Hello from this side, is the grass greener on the other side?

Hello from this side, is the grass greener on the other side?

Many Sri Lankan youth are looking to migrate in the absence of hope

A survey conducted by the Institute for Health Policy (IHP) through the Sri Lanka Opinion Tracker Survey (SLOTS) in November 2021 found increased interest among the youth and the affluent to seek greener pastures abroad. The survey found that about one in four Sri Lankans would like to migrate if they had the chance while around one in two of the youth and educated want to leave the country. It adds that “from a national perspective, the increased pressure to emigrate by the youth and the most educated and affluent in society bodes badly for the country’s future economic and social prospects as global travel restrictions are lifted.”

As more youth seem to show interest in migrating now compared to the past five years, the Sunday Observer asked some professionals in the legal and banking fields who lead several professional organisations in the country, their views on migration and factors that educated youth should consider before taking the decision.

An Opinion Tracker Survey carried out by the Institute of Health Policy provides a clearer answer. This survey suggested that youth aged 18-29 have the highest desire to migrate at around 48%. But it was people in areas such as the Western province who indicated greater capability of preparing for migration. This is likely due to the high initial cost including airfare, tuition fees, and initial living expenses. Departures in categories other than short-term employment, therefore, seem to be mainly associated with high and middle-income groups. 

One frequently discussed implication of this is brain drain or the emigration of highly knowledgeable people. Out-migration can also affect economic growth as these social segments provide a stable source of demand for goods and services and contribute to investments. Beyond economic impacts, such communities also hold significant socio-political power in the country. Although understanding the full extent of the desire of young people to migrate remains difficult due to the lack of comprehensive data, a more strategic approach is still warranted to mitigate the adverse effects of migration and leverage its unique advantages.

5 Reasons Why Students Love to Study Overseas

Leave your home country and fly thousands of miles to a foreign country to graduate from university – might sound terrific, yet it indeed is worth the time, money, and the effort. Our International Students make it loud and clear, studying abroad is a once in a lifetime experience because of the possibilities it has offered which the native country couldn’t. Here’s our top 5 reasons as to why you should consider flying abroad to graduate, because it’s not only the degree that you get overseas.

1.    Access to a better form of education

You get the opportunity to study at top ranking universities in the world, where classes are conducted by leading professors in your respective field of interest, vast range of curriculum, innovative technology, access to historic libraries, which would definitely contribute to help you achieve your goal. Engaging yourself in an education system which is different from your home country is a great experience as you get accustomed to new learning methods.

2.    New Career Avenues

A new country comes with its new opportunities, you find thousands of new roles that you wouldn’t have even thought of settling in for, had you stayed in your home country. Studying abroad leads you to two career avenues either to settle abroad with a securing job, or to come back home for a lucrative job opportunity.

3.    Learning new culture

In a world that is increasingly becoming globalized, cross-cultural communication is of paramount importance. You can interact with locals and understand their culture and lifestyles. Studying in a multi-cultural setting will inspire you to think in innovative ways as you perceive the world through different lenses.

4.    Become independent / responsible

When you step out of your comfort zone, leave your home country, and fly abroad, you are not only gaining for yourself a university degree but also you become the most responsible person that you can be, as you equip yourself to face the world alone. Handling every scenario of your life all by yourself contributes tremendously to your personal development.

5.    Be recognized by Employers

This is the advantage that would make you convince your parents to let you study abroad. In a survey conducted on ‘Employability and Study Abroad’ it was revealed that over 41% of employers said they would potentially hire applicants who have studied abroad. Studying abroad enhances vital qualities such as critical thinking, communication skills and problem-solving that employer desire. From the many CVs that recruiters must sort through to fill a vacancy, why not make yours stand out?